Masses in Honor of Saint Rita of Cascia

Monthly Spanish Mass in Honor of St. Rita – Third Thursday

Intercessor of Impossible Cases and Pacifier – The Third Thursday of each Month at 7 pm in the St. Rita Church with Confessions at 6 pm. Blessed oil is usually distributed during this Mass.


Everyone is invited to come and worship in community with our prayers as we honor our patroness, Saint Rita.

Feast of Saint Rita – Triduum (Three Days) of Masses

Every year, we celebrate the Feast of St. Rita with a Triduum (Three Days) of Bilingual Masses on May 20, 21 and 22 at 7 pm. On May 22, her feast day, we have a Solemn Bilingual Mass at 7 pm with the Blessing and Distribution of Roses, with a social afterwards.

Detailed information about these three days will be posted earlier before the feast.

To read more about St. Rita and her life, please CLICK HERE.