Religious Education (Catechesis)
Registrations for Next Catechetical Year 2024-2025
The Registrations for our Religious Education Program 2024-2025 are CLOSED – Please call the Parish Office at 773-434-9600 for more information.
- $240 for ONE Child
- $360 for TWO Children (Siblings)
- $420 for THREE Children (Siblings)
- $450 for FOUR OR MORE Children (Siblings)
- $20 Pay fee (only Confirmation Second Year)
- Baptism Certificate – If your child is going to prepare to receive the First Holy Communion.
- Baptism Certificate and First Communion Certificate – If your child is going to prepare to receive Confirmation.
Welcome to Our Catechesis!
WELCOME! – The staff of the Office for Religious Education and our Catechists at St. Rita of Cascia welcome you!
The primary task of religious education is to reinforce our Christian community in the application of love, respect, and sharing spirit taught at home in the image of Jesus Christ. In other words, we collaborate with the parents in the development of our children of faith and love of Christ in the Catholic tradition.
All teachings are given in accordance with the Catholic Church, the National Directory for Catechesis and the Archdiocese of Chicago.
At Saint Rita, we are proud of our families, our students, catechists and the Religious Education Program!
What is Catechesis?
Catechesis is an education in the faith of children, young people, and adults that includes especially the teaching of Christian doctrine imparted, generally speaking, in an organic and systematic way, with a view to initiating the hearers into the fullness of Christian life (Catechism of the Catholic Church # 5).
How long is it required?
The formation process is continuous but at least two years is required to receive First Communion and two years for Confirmation.
Is there an age limit?
Our Religious Education Program receives children in school year 1st-12th grade (generally 7-18 years old).
It is required that students must complete at least two years of religious education to receive First Communion or Confirmation. Normally, to receive Confirmation, the student must have reached the seventh grade.
Also, we are registering children of school age who have not been baptized to attend RCIA classes for children (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). Classes are two years also. We are accepting registrations from 1st grade to 12th grade.
When can I register my child?
Normally, registrations begin on the third week of May and last until the last week of August, but read our Sunday bulletin and this web page for new information or contact our offices anytime!
When do classes start?
Our classes start in early September (normally a week after Labor Day) and they are every Saturday from 9 am to 11:30 am.
What documents do I need to bring?
The documents needed are:
- Birth certificate
- Baptismal certificate
- Communion certificate (if they are making their Confirmation)
My child has a disability, can I register him/her?
At St. Rita we also have a program for children with disabilities and special needs called SPRED. Please contact the main office for more information and the coordinator of that program will contact you.
Do you want be a Catechist? – WE NEED YOU!
Do you love to teach? Do you like working with children? Do you like working as a team? So what are you waiting for? Join us! Give us a call or visit us on Saturday!
Contact us
Call us at the parish office, 773-434-9600, ext. 30 or send a question / request online to the office.
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